email: swordsheritage@gmail.com
River Valley Active Retirement Group keeping up with tales of
'old Swords' when they visited Swords Historical Society.

We have been having a particularly busy time with all the 1916 commemorations in the Fingal area. In our own group at least four members are sons and daughters of veterans of the Rising. Some twenty six people buried in St Colmcille's Graveyard in Swords were involved in the Fight for Freedom in the Battle of Ashbourne or in Dublin City at the Mendicity Institute. Various pictures on this page show descendants of these brave men and women participating the the various events organized by Fingal Co. Council and other local groups.

SWORDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY is 30 years old this year.
It began at a meeting of likeminded people in March 1982 at Swords Old Borough School. Many people have volunteered over the years and the Society is responsible for spearheading many projects of a heritage and cultural nature in the greater Swords area. Swords Museum, Genealogy Project and Oral History Projects to name just a few. The Swords Voices series now in its 19th years will be published. The Society plans to have a’Bumper’edition to celebrate 30 years, so if you have a tale to tell, a photo to loan or donate, they would be delighted t hear from you. Why not records your memories of ‘old Swords’ for posterity?

EASTER RISING COMMEMORATIONS: Tom Seaver & Bernadette Marks at State Reception, Dublin Castle Easter Sunday 2016

Enjoying the Walk about Swords - 'Architectural Gem' in background (North Street).

Pupils of Fingal Community College, Swords visiting our Museum Oct. 2015

Visiting today were Margaret Bermingham Moran from Australia. Margaret left Swords some years ago to settle in Australia was accompanied by her daughter Mary who flew in from Chicago. Margaret was reminded of old times by our collection of photographs. Brother Leo and Elaine also came along.

Launch of 'Swords Castle-My Castle' Community Archaeological Dig, Sept,2015,
A WALK AROUND HISTORIC SWORDS…Pupils of St.Finian’s College. Swords with their teacher Anne Chadwick, recently visited St. Colmcille’s Well, St.Columba’s Towers, and Swords Castle, where they were given a short talk by Swords Historical Society member B. Marks. They were most interested in learning about St. Finian as their college is named after the local Saint.

Copyright (C) 2011 Swords Historical Society Ltd

Mary McDonagh,Berni Marks, Geraldine McGovern
At unveiling of plaque from old Cloghran School May 2017.

Bernadette Marks presenting Swords Voices to Eamon O'Keeffe,TD

Photos at Memory Makers Mary Nugent, B. Marks, Mary Lowndes.

Bernadette Marks admiring the 1916 exhibition which

B. Marks, Joe Condron & Sean Ryan enjoying the many events organized by Fingal County Council

Sisters Nora Agnew Rogers and Kathleen Agnew Markey at Wreath laying ceremony St. Colmcilles.

State Reception, Dublin Castle Easter Sunday 2016.
Arran from Fingal Community College, Swords helping Emmet Wilson trace his ancestors in old school roll books at our centre; Emmet has done extensive family research with the help of rootsireland.ie

David and Arran from Fingal Community College helping to catalogue items of a genealogical nature in Swords Museum

Presentation of Life & Lore 1916 Oral History to National Library;
Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams dropped into Swords Museum while on a ramble through Swords to view their 1916 exhibition. Also in pic Caith Ni Cheallaigh, Loiuise O'Reilly (Sinn Fein) and Berni Marks.

Brendan & Jane Wilson from Bermingham visiting Swords Museum with his cousin Liam Heron from Swords. Brendan's family were originally from Drynan.

Sword Historical Society visiting Swords I.C.A, keeping them up to date with the history of the area.

Swords Heritage Week 2015: Launch at Fingal County Hall of Swords Heritage Trail;Neil Jackman,Abarta Guides, Paul Reid, CEO Fingal Council, Berni Marks, Swords Historical Soc., Gerry Clabby, Heritage Office, Minister James Reilly, Mayor of Fingal David O'Connor.

Mary & Liam visiting St Colmcille's Well where Swords was founded in 560 AD.

Swords Castle Archaeological Dig 2015; Liam, Berni & Sylvia admiring the photographic exhibition in the Chapel of the Castle.

Group at walk about St. Colmcille's Graveyard Aug 31st.

An excellent turn-out for the walk about St. Colmcille's Graveyard, Swords on Aug. 31st last. They listened to the many stories from the headstones, and were fascinated by the huge tree that has grown over a headstone.

Deputy Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Ted Leddy
at the launch of the 21st in the Swords Voices
series. With Liam Heron at The Star during
Swords Heritage Week.
Michael Burke, Lusk, 2nd Prize Winner in

Swords Heritage Week 2014: Paddy Ryan, Malahide came first in Short Story Competition: Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Mags Murray presents him with The Tom O'Shea Trophy.

Gearldine and Bernadette on a trip to Lambay Island
On the high Seas, Bernie And Phil on their way to Lambay Island.

Hazel Cassidy
Fiona Irwin
Tony Devlin
The late Tommy Murray from ~Trim, who won the Poet of Fingal Competition 2010 & 2011.
PADDY SAVAGE, Chicago – winner of the Swords category in Literary Competitions .Swords Heritage Week, He holds the Bridget Browne Trophy for a year, sponsored by Mrs Mary McCormack, Tara Winthorp Clinic, in honour of her late mother.
Des Becton, Swords Tidy Towns, Bernadette Marks, Paddy Savage in Swords Museum.
Geraldine McGovern. Runner-up Swords Section, Geraldine O’Dowd
& Maureen Cullen who were short listed in Short Story Contest.
HISTORICAL WALK with Swords Tidy Towns:
Bernadette Marks, Monica Fitzsimon, Alexandra Dermody
at the grave of United Irishman, John Sweetman.
Trip to Lambay Island 2014
P. Archbold, J. Hunt, RIP., B. Marks, E. Monaghan, T. Beades.

SWORDS CELTIC 50th Anniversary 2012: B. Marks, Mayor of Fingal, Cllr. Gerry Maguire,G. McGovern.
Mr Trapotoni, G. McGovern, B. Marks.
Swords Celtic with Mr. Trapotoni.
Boys from St. Colmcille's Boys' School 1969/70.
Photographs Copyright Swords Museum (C) 2016